About Sharon

I'm an Individual, Counselor, Wife, Parent

Sharon Tinley Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Sharon Tinley
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

I have been a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for 15 years now. I have had extensive experience from both private practice and public sectors in helping individuals and couples effectively resolve their immediate crisis in lives and build better skills in achieving toward their life and relationship goals.My philosophy in counseling is that regardless what challenges that you find yourself in, people have tried their best to adapt and cope with their lives with the internal and external resources that they have. We may be accustomed to a certain mode of living that is somewhat comfortable. But then when unexpected stressors come, we all of a sudden may feel overwhelmed and lost. Our mental health and physical health may start to suffer, so are our relationships.

The Chinese words “crisis” literally mean “danger” and “opportunity”. So, if you are feeling distressed, overwhelmed, and even somewhat helpless and hopeless because of the extenuating circumstances that you are facing in life and relationships, it is a wake-up call (or I actually prefer to see it as invitation) for you to get help to turn this danger to opportunity for healing and growth.

Change can be both a simple and complicated process. Sometimes we may just need to gain some new perspectives and life skills to move on to the next step. And sometimes, we may need to take a hard look at our past and the patterns that we are stuck in as we may have unresolved experiences from our past that need to be given attention and care. Regardless, you should not be alone in this journey. I believe that all sustainable life changes happen in a caring and supportive relationship. I am committed to provide you professional support and resources to facilitate your growth and change in the right direction.

Why Choose Me As Your Therapist?

I have been trained in several psychotherapy traditions including family and couple therapy, dynamic psychotherapy, existential-experiential approach (Gestalt in particular), and trauma-informed approaches. I equip my client with crucial emotional and mindfulness skills so that they do not lost sight of their deepest wants and needs in the midst of anxiety and relational pain. I promote a supportive environment where people can heal from past wounds and achieve more flexible adjustment to their circumstances.

I will collaborate with you to develop a treatment plan and goals that are realistic for you. And we will have ongoing evaluation to determine if our treatment is yielding desirable outcomes.I work well with diversity and have extensive clinical experience with clients in all walks of life (parents, couples, singles, college students, teenagers, etc.) My bicultural background enriches my work with clients by integrating Eastern philosophy with Western models of psychotherapy. I can use Cantonese and English to conduct counseling sessions.

My ultimate goal is to help empower individuals so that they can pursue their deep desired goals and experience more fulfillment and joy in their lives.



Marriage and Family Therapist
License # 40892
Board of Behavioral Sciences, California

Professional Affiliation

Clinical Fellow
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy


Certificate in Dynamic Psychotherapy
Newport Psychoanalytic Institute

Gestalt Training Program
Pacific Gestalt Institute

Family Therapy Training Program
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society


Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology
Azusa Pacific University

Bachelor of Social Science in Social Work
The Chinese University of Hong Kong